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《ladbrokes立博中文版》 ranks BSU as a Best College for the second year in a row! 了解更多

Undergraduate Degree and Minor in 历史

Gain the Perspective of Centuries of Human Experience with a Bachelor of 艺术 in 历史 Degree from BSU

The study of history at ladbrokes立博中文版 allows you to understand our past through a global lens. As a history major or minor, you’ll have the opportunity to take courses in all periods of U.S. 和欧洲历史, as well as learn about the history of Africa, 中东, 拉丁美洲, 东亚及加拿大.

教职员工 历史系 专门研究性别, 宗教的历史, 经济历史, 军事历史, 思想史, 政治史和社会史. Their diverse expertise exposes you to various ways to engage with the past.

As an undergraduate student in BSU’s history bachelor’s degree program or minor, 你将学会聚会的技巧, synthesizing and analyzing large amounts of information and expressing it in clear and accessible language — skills that will serve you well in virtually any career you choose. Our alumni also report that prospective employers value how well the bachelor’s degree in history program has prepared them to collaborate and work in teams.

历史 Undergraduate Program Highlights

A student smiling in history class talking to another student


As work toward your bachelor’s degree in history, you could be eligible to win the Gretchen Stone Cook Award for students who want to teach history in elementary or secondary schools. It’s the largest single award given at 布里奇沃特. 
历史教授 gesturing while talking to his class in front of a white board with notes on feudalism

Learn from a devoted and dynamic faculty

Program faculty are passionate teachers, engaged with their respective fields and committed to teaching history as a living, dynamic field rather than a static body of knowledge.
Dr. Sarah Wiggins smiling and gesturing as she talks to a group of students in a history class


Class sizes in our Bachelor of 艺术 in history program are small enough so that you can get to know your professors, ask questions and receive advice and guidance on course options, 研究的机会, 职业道路. Gain insight to bachelor’s in history jobs you may be interested in.


Join our faculty in study tours abroad or intern with museums, archives and government offices. Experiences like these offer a worldview of people and cultures that enhances your undergraduate classes, whether you’re in the bachelor’s degree in history program or minor.


Conduct in-depth research with faculty members, then complement your work in the field with course seminars and capstone projects. You’ll join other undergraduate students in the history bachelor’s degree program or minor for lively group discussions and debates.


BSU现在有一个 3 + 3项目 与麻省大学法学院合作. 通过这个加速项目, you may complete your bachelor's degree in history at 布里奇沃特 and your JD law degree at UMass Law in a total of six years, 而不是通常的七个.

Bachelor of 艺术 in 历史 Program of Study

We keep our history program relevant to today with new courses in African American history, 大屠杀, 和咆哮的二十年代. You can also take interesting courses offered to undergraduates in both the bachelor’s degree in history program and the minor:

  • Western Civilization to the Reformation
  • 到1500年的世界历史
  • 1500年以来的世界历史
  • 1865年之前的美国历史和宪法

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Program details from 2024-2025 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

ladbrokes立博中文版's history program is excellent. The professors were challenging but fair and always expected and encouraged the best from their students. The work was relevant to current events and helped foster critical analysis skills necessary for fulfilling careers in historic preservation and law.”


After earning your bachelor’s in history, jobs you could pursue span almost any field or industry. 历史 majors work in a wide range of careers but are especially qualified for roles such as:

  • 历史学家
  • 纪录片导演
  • 图书管理员
  • 博物馆档案管理员
  • 作家
  • 研究员
  • 记者
  • 历史教授

is the average annual wage for bachelor’s in history jobs in the United States, according to DataUSA.

A BSU graduate admissions representative giving a student information

Continue Your Education Beyond Your Bachelor’s Degree in 历史

If you earn your bachelor’s in history degree and you’re interested in teaching history in middle school or high school, BSU also offers a Master of 艺术 in Teaching (MAT), 历史, developed for teachers who have an initial license and are seeking a professional license in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.