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Undergraduate Degrees and Minors in English


你对文学和写作的热爱满足了你的专业准备 Department of English at Bridgewater State University. 在我们的四个专业之一中获得英语文学学士学位:创意写作, English education, literature and writing studies. BSU还开设了灵活且广泛适用的文学和写作辅修课程.

我们多元化的教师专注于建立跨体裁的阅读和写作专业知识. Plus, we’re located near Boston, with easy access to museums, readings, 为攻读英语学士学位的学生提供实习和各种有趣的活动.

Bachelor of Arts in English Program Highlights

Dr. Matt Bell sitting on a desk teaching an English class

Work with distinguished faculty

As a bachelor’s in English student at BSU, you’ll learn from faculty active in publishing, 文学研究和创造性写作,如诗歌, short fiction, novels and memoir. 我们还为您提供个性化的职业生涯建议.

Learn publishing firsthand

BSU通过我们屡获殊荣的文学和艺术期刊为英语学生提供第一手学习出版的机会, The Bridge.

Gain valuable insight from accomplished authors


Explore career fields of interest with an internship

在获得英语学士学位学分的同时获得宝贵的工作经验. 在出版等领域,各种各样的机会都在等待着你, government, education, public relations, marketing, museums and nonprofit organizations.


参加北京外国语大学年度本科生文学会议, 让英语学士学生在与附近的斯通希尔学院和马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校的同学交流的同时,提高专业能力.

Flexibility to learn on your schedule

BSU’s College of Continuing Studies gives you maximum flexibility to complete your degree. 英语文学学士学位课程可以在白天在桥水大学的主校区学习, or you may pursue your degree at night. 我们的夜间课程遵循与日间课程相同的要求和课程, 我们的许多教员在白天和晚上都授课.

Take advantage of multiple scholarship opportunities

桥水州立大学提供该地区最好的本科英语课程之一, 部分原因是我们的专业有各种各样的奖学金, including:

  • Jeanne E. Doherty Memorial Scholarship
  • Dr. Harold G. Ridlon Memorial Scholarship
  • Professor Thomas M. and Ann M. Curley English Scholarship

Looking to transfer?

你知道波士顿州立大学35%的本科生是转校生吗? Our dedicated Transfer Services 工作人员将与您一起找出如何转移学分, which courses to take next, and how to settle in as a member of the BSU community.

Earn your law degree

BSU now has a 3+3 program in partnership with UMass Law. Through this accelerated program, 你可以在桥水大学完成你的英语学士学位,在麻省大学法学院完成你的法学博士学位, instead of the usual seven.


We believe good writers are also good readers, and as such, 我们的创意写作学士学位采用研讨会的方法,你会变得善于提供和接受同龄人的反馈. 你会磨练你的手艺,同时建立在小说,诗歌和创造性非小说专业知识. 选择我们的写作研究的学生集中工作,以发展技术和专业写作和修辞的技能. 文学专注于对伟大作品的热爱,同时也专注于研究和分析方面的市场技能.

获得英语教育学士学位以及中学教育双学位的本科生培养了从6-12年级教授英语/语言艺术的必要技能. BSU的课程设置与州教育标准一致,包括青少年文学课程, culturally diverse literature and teaching of writing.

辅修写作或文学是对任何专业的完美补充, 使学生具备雇主所要求的分析能力.


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Careers in English

无论你在ladbrokes立博中文版攻读哪个英语文学学士学位, 从英语教育学士学位到创意写作学士学位, you’ll gain valuable, 适合市场的技能,比如批判性和创造性思考的能力, write persuasively and conduct research. 毕业后,你将成为从教育到商业等各个领域职位的理想人选.

我们看到拥有英语文学学士学位的校友继续从事市场营销方面的职业, media and publishing. 我们项目的一些毕业生选择获得图书馆学或英语硕士学位,或者继续进入法学院学习.

BSU English majors hold job titles such as:

  • Middle school English teacher
  • Young adult author
  • Correspondent/reporter
  • Marketing manager
  • Sports editor
  • Senior medical copy editor

According to the U.S. 美国劳工统计局的数据显示,拥有英语学士学位的毕业生的平均收入为

Students at a desk in an English classroom


BSU可以为对加速学位感兴趣的学生提供最好的本科英语课程之一. 我们的学士/硕士联合学位课程允许您在大四学习研究生课程, shortening the path to an advanced degree.