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Got Questions?

What is Got Questions?

Got Questions is a program that provides a one-stop platform for students to get quick answers to questions as they navigate a new semester. 

在每个学期的头几天, be on the lookout for our “Got Questions” staff and student volunteers at various stations around campus. 他们会帮助你找到你需要去的地方, answer general questions, 并提供全面的欢迎和支持.   

全年都有问题吗? No problem! 在BSU移动应用程序的问题墙上问他们! Post your question and we aim to have it answered by a member of our team within 48 business hours. 今天下载BSU移动应用程序!

Frequently Asked Questions

I have in-person classes, but I don’t know where my classroom is? How do I find it?

Please reference BSU’s Campus Map.



如果你的任何一个设备有问题, 联系位于图书馆底层的IT服务部. Call them at 508.531.2555 or email them at



If Blackboard crashes on you — please contact IT Services at 508.531.2555 or email them at



在更新课程表之前, you should FIRST contact your designated advisor and discuss any changes with them first.

If you are withdrawing from a course AFTER the add/drop you would go to the Registrar's Bridgenet site 并填写“退课单”.“你可以打508.531.1231 or email them at between the hours of 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday.

If you are changing a class DURING add/drop then you simply can go to InfoBear and add or drop a class yourself in the Add/Drop Class feature. The registrar's office will then withdraw the course from your account, 只有在您提交添加/删除请求之后.



如果你在网上上课时遇到问题, you should email your professor immediately to let them know that you are having issues. If the issue persists — you should contact IT Services for assistance at 508.531.2555 or email them at


What do I do if the professor does not show up to my class session?

If your professor doesn’t show up to a scheduled class section, make sure to check your email and/or syllabus to see if the class was canceled.

If the class is online, check to make sure you're using the correct link. 如果您使用正确的链接,并有正确的时间, make sure to email your professor and stay on the call until they show or until the end of the designated class time. 

If the class is in-person, 请待在原地,直到你的教授出现, until you receive communication from them canceling the course or until the end of the designated class time.



For both in-person and virtual classes, you should arrive to your class at least 5-10 minutes early.



每节课都有指定的开始时间. 你应该在开始上课的时间到达教室. If you are having issues getting into your in-person or virtual class, be sure to email your professor and contact IT Services for assistance at 508.531.2555 or email them at if needed.



If you do test positive for COVID-19 where you must quarantine, 请与您的教授联系安排. 欲了解更多信息,请ladbrokes立博中文版BSU的 COVID site.

For any additional questions, comments or concerns, please contact the Wellness Center at 508.531.1252 or email them at


How do I know if my classes are all virtual (asynchronous or synchronous) or in-person?

You will be able to see if your class is in-person or virtual by looking at your Class Schedule in InfoBear.


我没有笔记本电脑,也不能上网. 如果我的课程是虚拟的,我该怎么办?

The Maxwell Library's first floor (Shaw Road entrance) is open for computer access. Additionally, the library circulation desk has loaner devices, i.e.、笔记本电脑、chromebook、ipad、无线热点等. 你可以借阅. For more information, please contact the Circulation Desk at 508.531.1392 or visit BSU’s loaner devices page.

您也可以致电508与IT服务部联系寻求帮助.531.2555 or email them at



Every professor is required to hold their own office hours for students to ask questions and get help with work outside of class. 你可以在课程大纲上找到办公时间. If you have questions regarding your professor's office hours, please email your professor directly.



To get a hotspot Wi-Fi router, please contact the Circulation Desk at 508.531.1392 or visit BSU’s loaner devices.



如果你还没有拿到你的连接卡, you should call the Parking Services and Connect Card Office at 508.531.2897 or email them at



For more information for what is happening on campus, please visit the Events page on EngageBSU.



A syllabus is a document which outlines course expectations, policies, due dates, and more. Your instructor will provide you with your syllabus before or on the first day of class.



In order to get a full refund, students must drop a class before the add/drop deadline. 请ladbrokes立博中文版注册处 添加/删除截止日期Bridgenet网站 用于添加/删除表单的时间表和链接.



Your meal plan does roll over into the following semester (Fall to Spring but not Spring to Fall). The roll over is only for the academic year not the calendar year. 有关膳食计划的更多信息,请ladbrokes立博中文版 BSU Dining website.


我的Flex $可以滚转吗?

你的弹性美元可以转到下个学期. 有关Flex $的更多资讯,请浏览 Connect Card Services.



To view available dining options on-campus, their menus and more, visit BSU Dining.


Where can I park on campus? 我怎样才能拿到停车证?

For more information on parking lots on campus and how to apply for your parking decal, please visit Parking Services.


我想参加一个学生社团或组织. Where do I go?

所有注册的学生组织都列在我们的 EngageBSU site.

不要看到符合你兴趣的东西? That’s ok! You can visit the 学生参与中心 in the Rondileau Student Union (Room 103) for more information on how to start your own student organization.


我在学业上很挣扎. 我可以去哪里获得支持?

BSU提供广泛的学术支持服务 学术成就中心. You can visit their 学习协助bridge页面 for more information.


由于我的残疾,我在课堂上可能需要帮助. 我该去哪里寻求支持?

你会想ladbrokes立博中文版学生无障碍服务(SAS) department as soon as possible for help coordinating accommodations at BSU. You can visit the SAS BridgeNet site for more information.


我们什么时候搬到学校? 我应该带些什么呢? How do I get a roommate?

Our Office of 居住生活和住房(RLH) 这里会在校园生活的各个方面为你提供支持吗.  The RLH BridgeNet site 有很多好的资源吗. 如果你有更具体的问题, you can always give them a call at 508-531-1277 or email them at


我是一个住在校外的通勤学生. Are there resources for me?

Of course! Our Office of 校外和通勤学生服务 这里是否支持所有通勤学生的需求. Be sure to check out their office in the Rondileau Student Union (Room 007) and the 校外和通勤服务 for more information.


I have a question about my bill or want to set up a payment plan. Who do I contact?

Our 学生会计处 will assist you if you have a question about your bill or charges on your account. You can also check out the 学生帐户桥网网站 for more information.


我有一个关于助学金的问题. Who do I contact?

You should contact the Office of Financial Aid at or 508-531-1341 for questions regarding your financial aid award.

Did you know? Each student is assigned a financial aid counselor by their last name. 你可以找到谁是你的经济援助顾问. For more resources and information on the financial aid process at BSU, check out the 金融援助办公室的网站.


我需要放弃学校的医疗保险. How do I do that?

Due to Massachusetts law, you will need to pay for the school’s health insurance or submit a waiver form each academic year 如果你有自己的保险. You can 查看更多信息并提交在线豁免表格.


I know I am going to be absent from my classes unexpectedly due to personal reasons. What do I do?

一定要向你的教授询问缺课的情况, 如果你需要额外的支持, please contact our Student Outreach department in the Division of Student Life who can help you navigate the process.

Did you know? BSU has a wide range of resources to support all aspects of your life. 你可以通过ladbrokes立博中文版我们的 学生资源桥接页面.