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Guns, Violence and the Second Amendment

Discussing the debate over proper definition and implementation of the Second Amendment.

The Bill of Rights is a powerful addition to our constitution. 宪法的前十项修正案于1791年获得批准,因为詹姆斯·麦迪逊和乔治·梅森等重要的开国元勋强烈表示,在主要的结构和程序文件中缺少对个人权利的保障. The Bill of Rights, 然而, was written in a largely general and sometimes vague manner, which required interpretation and elaboration by the Congress and the Supreme Court. 其中一项权利一直处于正确定义和实施的辩论的中心,那就是第二修正案.

As stated, the Second Amendment reads as follows:

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the securing of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

第二修正案似乎被组织成四个独立的部分——需要一支管理良好的民兵, the importance of the Militia securing a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, and the guarantee that these rights shall not be infringed (to limit or undermine). 在现代,“人民持有和携带武器的权利”已经使有关规范民兵和确保自由州的重要性的章节黯然失色,” and the importance of not limiting or undermining this right to bear arms.

关于第二修正案的立法和司法行动在批准后的大部分时间里都没有引起争议或辩论,因为对修正案的解释集中在常备军(民兵)的重要性和军队作为自由国家成员保护美国人的价值上. It was not until 2007 in a landmark case out of the District of Columbia — District of Columbia v. 海勒认为,最高法院关注的是“携带武器的权利”的含义和适用.“提出公民有权拥有枪支的问题是对华盛顿一项法律的回应, D.C. that effectively barred citizens from purchasing and keeping firearms in their homes. 但最高法院大法官安东宁·斯卡利亚以5票赞成、4票反对的结果代表多数人作出裁决,认为第二修正案确实规定了个人出于合法目的持有和携带武器的权利. 2010年晚些时候, 最高法院在伊利诺斯州麦克唐纳诉一案中决定将携带武器的权利扩大到各州. City of Chicago.

随着海勒和麦克唐纳案的判决以及后来纽约州步枪和手枪协会的案件, 公司v. 布鲁恩(Bruen))驳回了该州要求申请枪支许可证的人证明有正当需要的要求, the stage was set for a massive increase in gun purchases in the United States and gun-related deaths. From 2008 to 2022 gun deaths increased from 31,593 to 45,247; gun ownership increased from 304 million in 2008 to 393 million in 2022; mass shootings increased from 253 in 2013 to 647 in 2022; school shooting incidents increased from 13 in 2009 to 51 in 2022, and suicide by guns increased from 18,223 in 2008 to 24,297 in 2020. And more disturbing in 2022 6,000 children died from gun violence.

With the Courts upholding gun rights it became difficult for the federal government, 州, and municipalities to pass gun restrictions such as universal background checks, outlawing military-style weapons such as the AR-15, magazine limits and age requirements for gun ownership. 与法院对第二修正案持枪权的支持相结合的是强大的全国步枪协会(NRA), 是谁支持持枪权利,并拒绝在限制拥有枪支方面做出任何妥协. 全国步枪协会的资金充足,其成员和雇员数百名说客说服国会议员投票反对任何限制购买和拥有枪支的立法. 全国步枪协会非常有效,以至于许多国会议员都依赖该组织的竞选捐款, 而那些可能支持限制的人往往担心选举策略会敦促其成员团结起来反对那些挑战枪支限制的人. With this kind of lobbying power there has been little effort to reform gun laws, even though a vast majority of Americans support universal background checks, a ban on assault rifles, and restrictions on the number of bullets permitted in a gun.

渗透美国和美国社会的枪支文化导致了经常发生的可怕的大规模枪击ladbrokes立博官网. Americans watch the carnage in Sandy Hook, Connecticut; Uvalde, Texas; Buffalo, New York; Atlanta, Georgia; Boulder, 科罗拉多只是最近几起大规模枪击ladbrokes立博官网的例子,我们开始觉得,作为这个国家的公民,我们必须适应枪击死亡的现实, a kind of “normalizing” the impact of the gun culture. 但重要的是要记住,在枪支文化和未能采取行动规范枪支所有权方面,美国在世界上是独一无二的(美国拥有世界上46%的民用枪支)。. Countries like Japan, 澳大利亚, 联合王国, Germany and Canada all have strict gun laws that require limits on ownership, training with firearms, prohibitions of assault rifles and detailed background checks of potential gun applicants. Not surprisingly, the number of gun-related deaths in these countries is extremely low if non-existent. 此外, 那些生活在枪支法律严格的国家的人无法理解为什么美国允许如此宽松的法律,以及美国人民,特别是美国政治领导人如何接受悲惨的生命损失.

While gun rights and protection by the courts of the Second Amendment are currently solidly in place, 这并不意味着改革现有法律或拒绝在海勒案和随后的最高法院判决中提出的论点是不可能实现的. 枪支法律改革的倡导者们谈论的是“常识性枪支改革”,即不剥夺个人购买枪支的权利,也不赋予政府没收枪支的权利. 此外,普遍接受的观点是,要求对潜在的枪支购买者进行普遍的背景调查和心理健康评估, 常识性枪支改革的支持者希望看到一些变化,比如要求枪支配备带有密码的安全锁,以防止家庭中的任何人未经授权使用枪支, 对持枪者进行强制性的“枪支”测试,就像对新车司机所要求的那样;对持枪者进行人身伤害保险,要求持枪者不仅支付购买枪支的费用,还要承担致命使用枪支的经济责任. As advocates of reform often state, such reforms are not unreasonable or invasive of personal freedom, rather they put the onus on the owners to act responsibly and help to save lives.

But unfortunately, 直到政治舞台上出现重大转变,拒绝或至少修改我们国家的枪支文化, these tragic deaths of thousands of Americans will continue. The outlook, sadly, does not look promising for common sense gun reform.