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International student-teaching 和 study 在国外 programs mark return

The world is once again a classroom for 布里奇沃特 State University students.

Graduate 和 undergraduate students recently completed travel courses 和 student-teaching in Europe, South America 和 Africa. Their journeys marked the return of both programs after the suspension of in-person international activities due to the p和emic. 

They are among more than 200 programs offered by the 留学办公室.

Two returning students recently shared their experiences.


When she becomes a social worker, 卡桑德拉DeMotte, ’24, hopes to serve people from a variety of backgrounds. After spending two weeks experiencing life in Morocco, Cass和ra has a better appreciation of those cultural differences.

“It’s so important for students to get out 和 see the world 和 experience a totally different way of living,卡桑德拉说。, a Blackstone resident majoring in social work 和 minoring in psychology 和 Spanish. 

Cass和ra participated in a summer travel course to Morocco led by Drs. -贾巴尔Al-Obaidi 和 Madhu饶. Eleven students spent two weeks in the African country touring the coastal city of Casablanca 和 venturing inl和 to Fes, which is regarded as the country’s cultural capital.

They met with Justice Rachida Hlimi, president of the Tribunal de Commerce Fes; observed preliminary court proceedings; 和 met the court deputy for the Moroccan king. Students also visited homes 和 a miles-long market, 他们看到盘子的地方, 袋, 服装, 和 other wares being made by h和. 

While traveling, Cass和ra researched mental health. She was impressed by the availability of services 和 how seriously the problem is taken. 

“There’s not a stigma around mental health in Morocco like there is here in the U.S.她说。. “In Morocco, they’re very open.”

Cass和ra hopes to pursue another travel course 和 a semester-long study 在国外 experience before graduating. 

Travel courses, she 说, build connections with professors 和 students from different majors.

“We left Logan Airport as strangers她说。. “We became so close throughout the trip. I would say we are best friends.”


格雷琴S和strum, ’22日,长 知道她想要 给学生上课 在国外. In fact, it’s a major reason she chose to attend 布里奇沃特 State.

Gretchen achieved her dream by working at Colegio Menor, a private international school in Quito, 厄瓜多尔. She taught to second graders lessons on currency 和 long vowel sounds, 和 used her native English to demonstrate proper pronunciation.

“I think it’s an amazing opportunity,格雷琴说。, who is from Norwood 和 studied elementary education, special education 和 Spanish. “It definitely sets you apart from other teacher c和idates because it is so unique.”

Eight student teachers traveled 在国外 in the spring. They learned to think creatively 和 embrace change, two skills that will be essential in their future careers, special education Professor 罗伯特·麦克米伦 说.

“It’s a life-changing experience for these students,” 说 Dr. MacMillan, the faculty fellow for international initiatives.

格雷琴, 还学生 taught in first grade at Kingston Elementary School, forged connections between the Kingston 和 Quito classes. Students wrote to each other 和 met via video conference. 

Kingston students created pocket-sized drawings of themselves that Gretchen took with her on 厄瓜多尔ean adventures. She sent photos of their journey back to Kingston.

During her eight weeks 在国外, Gretchen jumped over the equator, hiked near Quilotoa Lagoon in the Andes Mountains, 和 met a llama on Pichincha Volcano.

“To be able to immerse yourself into a different culture is incredible她说。. “Getting to experience different school settings 和 the way different teachers teach makes you a better teacher.”

