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Empower others and advance social justice. ladbrokes立博中文版的社会工作本科学位将为你提供影响个人变化所需的工具, communities, 大大小小的组织和社会福利项目.

你可以攻读社会工作学士学位(BSW)或选择社会福利辅修以补充其他专业. Either way, BSU社会工作系提供的本科社会福利项目将使你成为社会正义的捍卫者,改善他人的生活.

Social Work, BS
With your bachelor’s degree in social work from BSU, 您将获得基于证据的政策和实践的基础, grounded in the principles of social justice. With this blended educational experience, 你不仅会知道你想在什么样的公司工作, 你将准备好成为你所选择的行业的变革者和领导者.

Social Welfare Minor
社会福利辅修与ladbrokes立博中文版提供的许多专业相匹配, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, counseling, business, health, pre-law and pre-medicine.

Social Work Program Highlights

BSU Social Work students taking notes in class

Social justice-oriented curriculum

波士顿州立大学的本科社会工作课程和社会福利课程侧重于社会正义. You’ll graduate with a deep knowledge of the history, 社会正义的挑战和进步的政策背景和现实世界的影响. 这种广阔的视野为社会工作提供了有价值的背景和准备.


While earning your undergraduate degree in social work, you will have a variety of opportunities for internships. 在社会服务机构与有执照的社会工作者一起工作,在获得课程学分的同时获得实际经验.
social work student sitting at her desk in class smiling

Fully accredited Bachelor of Social Work program

我们的社会工作学士学位是由社会工作教育委员会(CSWE)认可的。, 确保学生掌握如何将道德和批判性思维应用于社会工作实践的知识.

Undergraduate social work programs scholarships

作为一名北京州立大学社会工作专业的本科生, 你可能有资格申请几个奖学金机会, including:

  • Dr. Rebecca Leavitt Fund
  • Edward T. Donovan Memorial Social Work Scholarship
  • Professor Lester G. Houston Memorial Award
  • 社会工作学院本科生奖学金

Learn more about School of Social Work funding »

Evening program available

BSU’s College of Continuing Studies gives you maximum flexibility to complete your degree. Even if you can’t attend classes during the day, 你仍然可以在北京州立大学获得社会工作专业的本科学位. 我们为全职工作或白天有其他义务的学生提供晚间课程.

Looking to transfer?

你知道波士顿州立大学35%的本科生是转校生吗? Our dedicated Transfer Services 工作人员将与您一起找出如何转移学分, which courses to take next, and how to settle in as a member of the BSU community.

Program of Study for Social Work Majors

在你攻读社会工作学士学位期间, 您将探索结合课堂学习的动态课程, 教师和研究生的实地教育和专业指导. In our undergraduate social work programs, you’ll take classes on social work, diversity and oppression, as well as a range of electives, including courses on child welfare, aging and substance abuse.

For the Social Welfare minor, you’ll take a mix of core and elective courses and learn about the evolution of the United States’ social welfare programs, the various policies that have grown out of the systems, 以及我们社会中最脆弱的人群.


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有机会走出去,以服务学习的形式实际看到它是什么样子, as well as internships, was a wonderful experience. From the Boys and Girls Club to Jordan Hospital, to Dartmouth High School, 我的实地经验涵盖了所有领域,教会了我很多关于现实社会工作的知识,也为我未来成为一名社会工作者奠定了基础. 尽管COVID大流行正好在我的节目中出现,但BSU从未跳过一个节拍. 我们调整了我们的学习,并在某些方面做得更好. 我通过社会工作学院建立了很好的联系,并在此过程中培养了一些令人难以置信的关系.”
Chris Greim, '22
Social Work, BS

Careers in Social Work

具有社会工作专业本科学历,或辅修社会福利专业, 你将有机会在公共或私营部门从事各种工作, including:

  • Child welfare
  • Youth services
  • Mental health
  • Counseling agencies
  • Schools
  • Criminal justice organizations
  • Elder services
  • Hospital and long-term care facilities



拥有社会工作学士学位的人10年的就业增长估计, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.



ladbrokes立博中文版的社会工作硕士课程旨在加深你对人权的理解和掌握, 多样性和社会正义更好地帮助你们改善个人的生活, families and communities.

你也可以选择同时获得社会工作硕士学位和法学博士学位(与马萨诸塞大学达特茅斯法学院合作)。. 这个合作项目允许您将社会工作研究生学习与法学院教育相结合,为公共辩护的各种职业做好准备, victim advocacy, family law, immigration law and many other areas.