

First-Year Checklist

下面的项目是你成为BSU熊的一般步骤概述. For a more personalized list of tasks that you have completed and ones that you still need to complete, please access your New Student Dashboard.

  • 今天就开始使用你的BSU邮箱! It was sent from BSU Accounts (BSUAccounts@ycdwkj666.com)发送至申请书内的个人电邮地址.
    • IMPORTANT: It can take up to two hours from the time you are approved in our system to when your account is activated and this information is sent.
  • 要ladbrokes立博中文版您的电子邮件,请使用IT发送的通信中提供的链接. 你也可以在 student portal 通过点击左边导航栏的电子邮件.
  • IMPORTANT: 使用默认密码登录BSU电子邮件. You will be prompted to set up MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) before resetting your password. View how to configure MFA.
    • 在ladbrokes立博中文版InfoBear之前,您需要登录您的电子邮件并设置此安全性.
  • 所有信息将发送到您的BSU电子邮件. 不要错过重要的信息:一定要每天检查!
  • 如果您还没有收到BSU帐户的BSU电子邮件帐户信息:
    • 首先,检查你的垃圾邮件文件夹.
    • Contact IT support at 508.531.2555 or ITSupport@ycdwkj666.com 并向他们提供以下信息.
      • Bear ID (formerly Banner ID)
      • Address
      • Phone Number

您是否已在InfoBear中提供或验证了您的紧急ladbrokes立博中文版? Before the semester begins, please make sure your personal information and emergency contact details are accurate so we can contact you, or someone for you, if there is an emergency.  

  • 完成所有分班测试 June 28, 2024 将确保您能够在尽可能早的时间注册. Students must complete their Bridgewater Elementary Algebra Readiness (BEAR) Exam as well as submit their English essay to choose classes and meet with an advisor in the Academic Achievement Center. 查看有关数学和英语分班考试的信息.
  • 任何有关测试的问题,请致电508与我们联系.531.1780 or email us at testing@ycdwkj666.com.
  • 如果你有残疾记录,需要申请考试便利, 请致电508与学生无障碍服务中心联络.531.2194 or SAS@ycdwkj666.com.
  • Advising & Registration is a combination of individual preparation and a one-on-one appointment with an Academic Advisor from the Academic Achievement Center to discuss your goals, answer questions, 完成第一学期的课程.
  • 完成分班测试后, 你会收到一封来自学术成就中心(NewStudentAdvising@ycdwkj666.com). 电子邮件将包含如何审查课程推荐的说明, set up a registration plan, 和顾问约个时间见面.
    • 欢迎邮件将在五月下旬开始发送到学生的BSU电子邮件帐户.
  • 当您按照建议欢迎邮件中的说明进行操作时,您将……
    • 观看有关如何创建第一学期注册计划的详细说明的视频. 
    • 在BSU的第一学期复习一下导师推荐的课程.
    • 创建你自己的第一学期注册计划.
    • 安排与学术顾问的约会.
    • 参加你的咨询预约并注册你的课程! 
      • 在一对一的会面中, 您的指导老师将审阅您的注册计划, 帮助你做必要的调整, 帮你注册第一学期的课程.
      • 如果你对你在波士顿州立大学的第一学期有其他问题, 导师可以帮你解决这些问题, as well.
      • 为了您的方便,预约将通过Microsoft Teams虚拟举行. Please download Microsoft Teams to your device the day before your meeting 这样你就可以在开始的时候做好准备. We are also happy to set up in-person academic advising appointments in June for those interested.  If so, please email NewStudentAdvising@ycdwkj666.com 还有一些你的可用性选择.
  • Bear Launch is a one-on-one phone call with a BSU student who will walk you through the important steps on your checklist, 回顾入职培训过程,给你提问的机会.
  • 注意收到一封邮件,通知你Bear Launch指定的日期和时间. This email from orientation@ycdwkj666.com 会发到你入学申请上的邮箱吗.
  • 您的电话号码是508.531.1000 and last about 20 minutes.
  • 首先,提交250美元的住房保证金.
    • 信用卡网上付款(首选付款方式)

      • 点击“学生”,然后输入你的BEAR ID和PIN.

      • 登录后,从顶部菜单中选择“存款”.

      • Select "Fall 2024” as the "Term"; select "Room Deposit Fall 2024” as the "Deposit Type."

      • 然后继续用信用卡或电子支票支付250美元的住房押金.

      • Payment can also be made over the phone via credit card or electronic check with one of the cashiers at 508.531.1225.  

  • You will then receive instructions to complete your Residence Hall License Agreement via BSU email, 你将在哪里选择你的膳食计划并完成你的室友匹配档案.  
  • Information to select your room online and prepare you for your move onto campus is sent via email.
  • 所有信息将从住宿生活和住宿部发送到BSU的电子邮件.
  • 如果你在校外租公寓或房子,而不是住在你的家庭住址, 记得在注册办公室更新你的本地地址.  Complete this Change of Address Form.
  • Follow Off Campus and Commuter Student Services on Instagram and TikTok at @BSUCommutes or on Facebook at @OffCampusatBSU. 
  • Email OFFCAMPUS@ycdwkj666.com 关于去波士顿州立大学的任何问题. 
  • 如果你在找公寓, view the off-campus database.
  • 连接卡是桥水州立大学的官方身份证. 
  • Please submit your photo for your new Connect Card today.

如果你打算开车进校园,你需要一张停车许可证. Visit the Parking Services website 有关在校园内停车的详细信息以及如何获得许可证的信息. 

  • Download the BSU Mobile App 在App Store或Google Play Store中. The BSU Mobile App includes access to campus resources, your class schedule, campus map, and more! 您可以使用BSU的完整电子邮件地址和密码登录应用程序,以查看所有功能.  
  • In addition, EngageBSU BSU社区是否使用官方参与平台. 你可以在上面找到要参加的活动, organizations to join, 以及其他机会来充分利用你在BSU的经历.
  • Add the Navigate website to your browser favorites and download the 'Navigate Student' app from your device's app store.  
  • 导航让你ladbrokes立博中文版你的课程, your support team, 以及“举手”功能,在您的BSU旅程中请求帮助. 点击这里获取说明和此资源的其他链接. 
  • 你的高中成绩单寄到学校了吗 admission@ycdwkj666.com 或邮寄至马萨诸塞州布里奇沃特普利茅斯街45号入学欢迎中心办公室02325 不迟于上课的第一天.
  • Do you have AP scores? 根据分数,你可以获得大学学分! 请求大学理事会使用BSU代码#3517直接发送您的分数.
  • The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires all undergraduate students registered for 9 or more credits, 研究生注册7学分及以上, to have health insurance. BSU Student Accounts will send you a billing notification automatically enrolling you in the student health plan.
  • If you already have your own health insurance (often a plan provided by your parent) you will need to waive the school insurance and have it taken off your bill. 如果您在可接受的保险计划的下拉菜单中没有看到您的保险公司, 请致电508与健康中心联系寻求帮助.531.1252.  
  • You will receive a billing notification in mid-July from Student Accounts with more information pertaining to the waiver/enrollment process and deadlines.
  • The 秋季健康保险豁免/入学 网站可供注册学生使用 mid-July.
  • 所有学生都必须完成一份 学生经济责任协议(SFRA) 在注册课程之前,每学期通过InfoBear. 这份协议概述了学生的经济义务.
  • 学生必须完成SFRA ALL terms 在注册任何学期之前. 2024年秋季SFRA将于3月中旬开始提供.
  • 如果你打算申请经济援助, please complete the current Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and be sure to add Bridgewater State University’s school code of 0021830.
    • 请注意,如果你正在等待你的FAFSA处理, 请继续注册课程.  
    • 如果您有任何问题或需要有关经济援助福利的额外指导,请联系 Office of Financial Aid.
  • The BSU Wellness Center ensures a healthy living and learning community by verifying immunization requirements set by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  
  • 一旦你注册了课程,你应该可以ladbrokes立博中文版你的新 BSU Student Patient Portal where you will find our required Tuberculosis Screening Form and an ‘upload’ tab to share your required immunization information. 使用您的BSU单点登录用户名和密码登录. 所有免疫信息应在注册后30天内提交.

欢迎来到ladbrokes立博中文版!  At BSU, we care deeply about creating a safe environment for every student - an environment in which students can thrive and achieve academic success.  因此,BSU社区是不能容忍性暴力和关系暴力的.  作为一名新成员,我们希望确保你对这个严肃的问题有所了解. It is also the law. 

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding. 性暴力、性骚扰和关系暴力属于第九条的范围. 遵守联邦和州法律, universities are required to provide their campus community with education on Title IX related issues including our sexual violence policy, 您的权利和报告选项, and available resources.

You will be required to complete the Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Course (SPARC) before the start of the fall 2024 semester. 请注意,本课程大约需要一个小时才能完成. Please plan your time accordingly and see further instructions within the course for additional information and troubleshooting tips. 完成课程的最后期限是2024年10月4日. This course will remain on your Blackboard dashboard upon completion so that you are able to continue to access the information and resources available to you here at BSU.   

波士顿州立大学致力于促进一种挑战暴力的校园文化, combats unhealthy norms, supports survivors, and prioritizes the ideals of respect and equality because everyone at BSU deserves to feel safe and supported. 我们都在防止性暴力和关系暴力方面发挥作用. 谢谢你尽你所能保证BSU的安全. 

  • 这项调查将为BSU提供有关如何最好地支持您的成功的信息!
  • 您的个性化调查链接将在您的 New Student Dashboard 当调查开始接受回复时.
  • The first 300 students 点击链接并完成调查将自动拥有 $5 added to their Connect Card!
  • BSU Checkpoint is a program designed to assist you in completing your time-sensitive items like placement testing, 安排一对一的咨询预约, and much more! 这个项目是为你个人而设的, 让你有机会接触校园资源,帮助你开始学习.  
  • 欢迎家庭成员/支持者报名参加本项目的家庭部分.

Crimson Orientation, 在秋季学期开始前的几天, offers a variety of interactive and individualized sessions and touchpoints designed for new to BSU resident students to make connections, learn about BSU, and engage with the BSU community.  


  • Crimson Celebration is more than just an event at the conclusion of your Crimson Orientation—it's a rite of passage! Get ready to discover the heart and soul of our campus as we introduce you to time-honored traditions and celebrate the diverse talents and passions that make our community thrive. From rallying around the mascot to inspirational messaging to food trucks and engaging activities, 你将了解成为我们自豪的社区的一员意味着什么. 放松,结交新朋友,让BSU的精神点燃你的旅程!
  • 有关此计划的更多信息将直接发送到您的BSU电子邮件.
  • 在我们的开球日和开幕日, 在进入课堂之前,你将有机会与教职员工见面, 看看你可能想参加哪些学生组织和活动, 甚至参加大学公园的欢迎烧烤,欢迎整个BSU社区.  
  • 有关此计划的更多信息将直接发送到您的BSU电子邮件.
欲了解更多有关入职培训的信息,请ladbrokes立博中文版我们的 一年级新生介绍网页.

Campus Resources and Offices

Our campus provides a safe, supportive culture for all students and offers a wide range of programs and services to help them succeed. BSU的综合资源阵列帮助学生达到他们的学术目标, professional, 在温暖友好的环境中实现个人目标.