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BSU的 特殊教育 Degree Programs: Your First Step in Making a Difference

马萨诸塞州缺乏特殊教育工作者, earning your bachelor’s degree in special education from ladbrokes立博中文版 is your opportunity to make a difference in the lives of students with moderate to severe disabilities. 位于教育与健康科学学院 特殊教育系 offers degree programs to train the largest number of special educators in the Commonwealth.

你是非专业人士吗? BSU的特殊教育学位课程消除了障碍, 允许您在线获得您的特殊教育初始执照, through face-to-face courses or in a hybrid format to suit your unique needs. The variety of concentrations offered within the program allow you to focus on PreK through 8th grade, 或者5到12年级. 在短短四年里, 你可以在波士顿及其周边地区从事特殊教育的教学工作, 在公立和私立学校.


Professor Sheena Manuel smiling and holding a notebook in front of a projector screen at the front of the classroom while she listens to a student speaking in class


You’ll earn your special ed degree while collaborating with former full-time special educators and special education administrators. BSU的 special education degree programs are helmed by professors including a former chair of the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and licensed school psychologist, a member of the National Federation of the Blind and others active in important research and publishing in the field.
students sitting in desks in a BSU 特殊教育 class including a male student with short light brown hair wearing a gray t-shirt and black baseball cap backwards who is talking and gesturing

Take advantage of a grant opportunity available only to special ed degree students

The Massachusetts Institutions of Higher Education offers a grant for working paraprofessionals in BSU的 special education program.
Professor Ed Carter talks to a female student in front of a classroom white board while another student writes on the board


Get the guidance you need to fully explore teaching jobs in special education that best match your strengths and skills.


Our special ed degree students get to work in schools with students with disabilities via the EXCEL Program, our Children’s Physical 发展 Clinic (CPDC) and in clubs like Best Buddies.


BSU的 继续教育学院 给你最大的灵活性来完成你的学位. The BSE in special education program — in the Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities and Teacher of Students with Severe Disabilities concentrations — may be taken on 布里奇沃特’s main campus during the day, 或者你可以在夜间或网上攻读学位. Our night and online programs follow the same requirements and curriculum as our day program, and many of our faculty members teach during the day as well as at night and online.


BSU的 bachelor’s degree in special education exposes students to a wide variety of courses, 探索学校和社会的文化多样性等领域. You will also drill down into diagnosis and teaching strategies for kids with reading disabilities, behavior management and special education across disciplines for challenged learners in everything from math to reading and language.

We offer three bachelor’s degrees in special education concentrations: Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities (PreK–8), Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities (Grades 5–12) and Teacher of Students with Severe Disabilities (All Levels). Our department also offers two 未成年人 focused on inclusive practices and professional practices. A final option is the undergraduate certificate for mentors who want to step up in youth settings.


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Graduates of ladbrokes立博中文版’s special ed degree program go on to teaching jobs in special education at the elementary school through high school level, 许多教育工作者在波士顿地区工作. Job titles students with a degree in special education from BSU hold include:

  • 中学特殊教育教师
  • 高中特殊教育教师
  • 公立学校特殊教育教师


特殊教育教师的平均工资是多少.S. 劳工统计局.